Friday, July 15, 2011

Life at Camp

Preteen Camp is going great! We have had 5 that accepted Christ so far this week and 2 that made recommitments. Please continue to pray that God will speak to the kids this week.

Monday, July 11, 2011

New Things at Preteen Camp

Here are some of the new things you can look forward to at camp this year:

Tether Ball

Gaga Ball

A New Blob!

Noodle Hockey

Giant Slip N Slide

A New Addition to the Worship Center

And Much More!!!

You won't believe all the cool stuff at Trinity Pines Preteen Camp. See you on Wednesday!

Monday, July 4, 2011

Looking Forward to Preteen Camp 2011

Hey Campers!

Well, it's that time again. Preteen Camp is just around the corner. We will be leaving on Wednesday July 13, for Trinity Pines Conference Center for another week of preteen fun!

Here are a few details you might want to know:

1. All of your paperwork and money should be turned in already. If not, please drop it by the office Tuesday between 8 am and 2 pm.

2. We will meet in the church parking lot Wednesday, July 13, at 10:30 am to leave for camp.

3. The theme this year is God's Amazing Race.

4. Trinity Pines is lots of fun! It has a pool, sand volleyball, the Blob, canoes, basketball, frisbee golf, a ropes course, a zip line, and a new game called Gaga Ball.

5. We now have 19 kids and 7 adults going to camp.

6. I have been praying that God will do amazing things in your life at camp for a year now.

7. We will return on Sunday, July 17, at about 1 pm.

I hope you are as excited as I am! I will be leaving this Friday night to lead the first session of camp, but I can't wait to see you on Wednesday!

Vicki Rigsby

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Learning About Archery

One of the new skills we learned this year was archery. Several of the men took training courses so that they would be certified to teach our kids at camp. Chris was a pretty good shot.

Cameron, Cody, Nick, Lauren, Kaitlyn and Noel get ready to shoot.




Zipping Through the Trees

One of the highlights of camp is the ropes course. Campers can climb a rock wall, scale obstacles 50 feet in the air, and ride a zip line several hundred yards long through the trees.

Here, Kevrin is climbing the post that leads to the zip line.

Trey is headed to the top.

Trace has fun on the zip line.

Jacobe uses his climbing skills.

Cody flies through the air.

Goin' For a Canoe Ride

Our church had a opportunity to ride in the canoes right after lunch. We had a great time, but boy, was it hot! Here are just a few of the pictures from that day.

Jillian and Cody

Kallie and Dominic


Jacobe and Mason

Kevrin, Cameron and Bryson

Bloggin' About Blobbin'

The Blob is one activity that all the kids look forward to at camp. One person sits on one end of the Blob (a giant pillow) while a second person dives onto the other end sending the first person flying into to air before hitting the water. The kids (and adults) have a blast on this one. Here is Collin getting blobbed.

Brandon is sent flying through the air.

Lauren B. gets in on the action. She gets points for style!

Jacobe takes the prize for the highest flyer.

Kallie gets in on the blobbing action.