Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Preteen Camp Video

For those of you who missed Sunday night, here is the video that we showed. I thought you might like to take a look at your awesome kids.

Keep watching the blog for updates on next year's Preteen Camp. Our planning committee will meet in October to begin planning the theme and camp leadership. If you have any suggestion for a great theme, just let me know. We are always looking for new ideas.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Finishing Up Camp

Well, camp has been great. We are packing up this morning and getting ready to head home. One more short worship service to go. The kids will have so many stories to tell you. We got to sleep after midnight last night and were awakened by the Rec. Staff at 6:15 am this morning, so your kids will probably be sleeping all the way home.

We are asking all the kids who went to camp to join us for church tonight at 6:00 pm in the gym. We will be singing some of the songs we learned at camp and showing a bunch of pictures. I hope each family will be able to join us.

Saturday, July 18, 2009

More Pics

Check out these pics and the blog below to see what great things God has been doing at camp.

Grace Girod

Our kids getting ready to play glow-in-the-dark dodgeball. They had a blast with this game.

Yire (pronounced E-ray) was one of four international students who spoke during our missions time. She was from South Korea and told us all about how she came to know Christ, did a korean dance for us and told us about her country. She had a very interesting testimony.

All of our kids enjoying the pool. That's Jessica jumping in on them.

Darrin Collins from He was amazing.

Another Great Day at Camp

Well, we have had another great day at camp. We saw a terrific juggler last night, ran a very hot mega-relay today, and are heading up to the ropes course this afternoon.

Last night, Pastor Tim shared about a difficult time in his life when his son died. He also talked about how the kids can overcome the difficult times in their life by turning to God for help. Many of our kids were moved to tears. Our boys were hugging each other and making great friendships that will last a lifetime. I know that when they get home, they may not be able to express what happened last night, but I just wanted to let you know that God is really moving with your kids. Please continue to pray for them tonight as Pastor Tim talks about the victory we have in Christ.

Cameron Price

Nicholas Pounders

Stephanie Rubach

Jesi Hahn

Sam Wilson

Friday, July 17, 2009

I had so many good pictures that I wanted to share a few more with you. For some reason I can only post 5 at a time. Enjoy!

Our kids at worship last night.

Kade Campise riding the go cart at CiCi's on the way to camp.

Jessica Hulen enjoying recreation inside the worship center.

Megan Wood in worship. The church that puts the most money in their jug (per person) for missions gets to put a pie in the face of all their sponsors on the last day of camp. I think I'll put some money into another church's jug just to be safe. :)

Blake, Nathan, Brianna, Jesi and Tyler at Morning Celebration.

Our kids are having a great time at camp. We had 37 kids accept Christ for the first time last night - 8 of them were from Bayshore. Praise God! We had a nice rain this morning that cooled everything off. This afternoon, we will be swimming and seeing a juggler after worship. Our pastor, Bro. Tim, has done a great job. He really keeps the kid's attention and is a great story teller. Here are a few pictures of our day.

Ryan, Casey and Kade enjoying a huge game of musical chairs.

Greg looking responsible as usual. (A little sun burned from the blob yesterday)

Francis expressing how all the counselors feel. We are having a blast but getting very little sleep.

Brianna playing musical chairs. Have you ever played while doing the crab walk?

All the kids at Morning Celebration. The band has been great. They are very humble and love hanging out with the kids.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Blob Blog

Nathan Redd diving onto the blob. What fun!

Tyler Boudreaux

The whole gang enjoying the water at the blob.

Ryan Kinderman

Tyler Phelan

Camp Gets Off to a Great Start

Well, everyone arrived at camp safely yesterday. We have already moved in and gotten into the routine of camp. We had biscuits and gravy, scrambled eggs and sausage for breakfast. The kids are out at recreation and Bible study this morning. They will be headed to lunch soon and then off to lots of fun activities this afternoon. We will be playing OMC tonight. That's Organized Mass Chaos for you non-camp people. It's tons of fun and really crazy. The kids will love it! Here are a few pictures from our first night and morning at camp.

This is just one of the many deer we have seen at camp. They're everywhere!
Here's Keny and some of the boys at worship last night. Notice how red their faces are? We have to walk up a huge hill to get to worship. Everyone should come home in good shape.

Here are some of the girls having fun at worship.

This is everyone in the new worship center - 400 people. It is an awesome place to meet.

What can I say! Mr. Jason and Chris being crazy. Mr. Jason also got to wear full knight's chain mail last night during the service. I will try to post a picture of that later. It was pretty cool.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

The Countdown to Camp Continues

Only three more days until camp begins. Here are a few pictures of what you can expect.

Here's what you'll see when you get to Trinity Pines. Welcome!
Everyone's favorite - The Blob!

The swimming pool is one way to stay cool in the 100 degree heat.

Don't forget to bring a water bottle.

The bridge to the island.

Camp this week is going great! Can't wait to see you here.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

New Worship Center at Trinity Pines

I thought you guys would like to see some pictures of the new worship center at Trinity Pines. It was just completed about a month ago, so we will be some of the first to use it. It seats over 1000 people, has two rock walls, and 4 other large meeting rooms.

This is a view from the front. The worship center is up at the top of the hill near the rope course. Beautiful view!

View from inside the worship center during a fundraiser event.

This is the stadium seating still under construction. It is about 90 feet from the stage. We will be using it during camp to seat about 400 kids each session.

This is the beautiful porch on the front end of the worship center overlooking the entire camp.
More pictures to come! Check back soon.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Preparing for Camp

Hello Parents!

I am so excited about what God is going to do at Preteen Camp this year. We have been praying for your kids since we started planning camp back on October of last year.

Our theme, Camp-A-Lot, offers so many possibilities for recreation, Bible study, decorating and just plain fun! We will have jousting events, "knightly" group names, big banners for each family group, lessons of the armor of God and much more.

I am spending this week gathering supplies, rounding up last-minute paperwork, organizing kids into family groups, and taking care of a few details. I will be heading up to Trinity Pines on Friday to lead the first session of camp and looking forward to when our Bayshore group will join me on Wednesday. (For those of you who don't know, I lead two sessions of the same camp every year.)

As you begin helping your kids pack for camp, don't forget to help them get prepared spiritually as well. Pray with them and for our sponsors. Ask God to speak to them this week.

Check back for more updates and pictures soon.
