Thursday, July 1, 2010

Time for Camp E.D.G.E. 2010

Hello Parents and Campers!

Well, it's that time again - time to get ready for Preteen Camp. I know that many of you who went with us last year have been counting down the days to this year's camp. I'm with you! I can't wait for camp to start.

We now have 17 boys and 7 girls along with 5 sponsors signed up for camp. Please be praying that God will work in a mighty way.

Everyone needs to get your forms filled out and to the church office this week. I want to have everything in order before I leave for camp on Saturday, July 9. As always, Mrs. Sharon will be in charge of getting everyone loaded onto the vans and to camp safely on Wednesday, July 14. Everyone will be meeting at the church at 11 am.

The theme this year is Camp E.D.G.E. We will be learning about:

Exploring God's Word,

Discovering God's Plan,

Growing in God's Goodness, and

Experiencing God's Ways.

Start getting your camping gear in order. I hope to see you at church Sunday.

Vicki Rigsby

Minister to Children & Camp Director :)

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